Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well, this month comes with good and bad news. My weight has not changed. That is a little discouraging. My milage was down for half of the month and my eating was up. I went from slow and steady to- holding steady. BUT, the news is not all bad. The goods are: Better body composition (less fat, more muscle), better paces, on track for fat loss, fitter, and I'm just a better runner. So, I shouldn't complain. This is why I track all these factors. You see, if I look at the scale alone, I miss all the good stuff. Bottom line: fat loss NOT weight loss is what I'm after. My pants are little looser now than they were a month ago. Nuff said.

Weight: 259 (without shoes)

Body Fat %: 25.89

-Fat weight: 67.04 lbs
-Lean weight: 191.96 (muscle, bones, tendons, etc..)

Total mileage logged in the month of April: 102 miles

Total monthly fat loss: 2.3 pounds

Total monthly lean mass change: +2.3lb

Total monthly body fat % change: -0.88%

GOAL CHECK: (from 12/1/09)

1.) Lose 35 pounds of fat

Down about 19.87 pounds of fat since the first of December. I'm pretty much on track here.

2.) Get to a consistent pace of 9:45 a mile or better

I thought I would be there by now- or close. I'm not. The speed increases are coming slowly. That said, I've become a little faster in the last month. I'm under 10 min miles and getting close to 9:45. I'm confident that I'll acheive this goal by the race.

3.) Be able to run 6 miles at the 9:45 pace twice twice a day.

I'm pretty sure I'll get there. As it is, I can do 6.2 miles at 9:55ish pace 5 times a week.

Time Left to acheive goals: 3.5 months.

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