Monday, February 1, 2010

Official February 1st Results and Measurements

When the alarm went off this morning, I was in measurement mode. Here's what I got:

Resting heart rate: 53
Weight: 271.8 (without shoes)
Body Fat %: 28.44
     -Fat weight: 77.31 lbs
     -Lean weight: 194.49   (muscle, bones, tendons, etc..)

Total mileage logged in the month of January: 111.3 miles

Total monthly fat loss: 5.4 pounds
Total monthly lean mass change: +0.32  (GOOD! I want this to stay the same or increase)
Total monthly body fat % change: -1.68%

GOAL CHECK: (from 12/1/09)

1.) Lose 35 pounds of fat

Down nearly 10 pounds of fat since the first of December. I may exceed this goal- bonus.

2.) Get to a consistent pace of 9:45 a mile or better

I'm down about 25 seconds on my pace in the last month. If I continue that progress, I may exceed this goal also.

3.) Be able to run 6 miles at the 9:45 pace twice twice a day.
This goal will be the most difficult to attain. I have acheived the 6+ mile distance with no problem. I think I'm on track here.
Time Left to acheive goals: 6.5 months.

1 comment:

  1. Paul,

    Resting heart rate 53! and huge progress on all the your goals. Great job.
