Sunday, March 28, 2010


First of all, I have a new saturday high-mileage. I did 10 full miles on the Sandy nature trails by the high school yesterday. The last mile was a little ugly, but I did it. That's an acheived goal right there baby. My goal was to get to 10 miles on Saturdays. Boom. I'm there. 

Second, I'm pretty sure I won the weekly contest for our biggest loser competition at church. Final results were a whopping 9.5 pounds. Now, your instinctual reaction  might be to be amazed. DON'T BE. Instead, as an informed Fatty reader, you should be skeptical. Or at least ask, "9.5 pounds of WHAT?"

Good question. If I'm lucky, there were 3 pounds lost of fat. The rest is water and maybe some muscle. Like I said, I just wanted to do this one week to show it could be done. How'd I do it? Exercise and fewer calories. Then I ate very little on Saturday AND I drank very very little on Saturday and Sunday morning. I slept in extra clothing to try to sweat a little. I normally drink a ton of water. So, I was just craving H2O. At church I was trying not to stare at a full water bottle on the floor that my friend's wife had brought. 

By now you should know that no one loses 9.5 pounds of fat in a week unless it's through liposuction. Water loss will always be involved in big negative number weigh-ins. The majority of a pound of muscle is water also.  

Bottom line, when I got home today I drank a ton of water and ate a piece of cake before a big breakfast. From now on, Fatty is back to the slow and steady plan.

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