Monday, January 11, 2010

It's time to talk about Jogger's Nipple

Sure, it felt a little uncomfortable. But, I was a little suprised when I looked down at my shirt and saw reddish streaks on my sweat-soaked shirt right around the nipple areas. Yeah, it was blood. It turns out that "Jogger's Nipple" is the official name for it. That means that I'm not the only one that gets this. This isn't the first time it's happened to me. In fact, I take preventative measures every time I jog.

This is a guy thing usually. Girls wear sports bras etc. which prevent this problem. Sorry ladies. You're really missing out...

What is it? Irritated or bloody nipples. How do you get it? Friction from a shirt or clothing item. Distance jogging with a sweaty shirt will do it just fine. Cotton is the worst.

What can you do about it? The two things I do are avoid cotton when possible and put on a coat of vaseline. These help but are not fool-proof. In fact, I did both of these today. What is the next step? Barriers. Tape, band-aids, underclothing, etc.

I seriously considered posting pictures of my red-tinged shirt. But, I thought it might be a bit much. For now, you'll just have to take my word for it.

So remember, when you're jogging and your nipples feel like they're on fire, you might have jogger's nipple. Or, your nipples are really on fire. You should probably check to be sure.


  1. Yo fatty, what do you think of BodyGlide (stick based, de-odorant type solid that you put on in all sensitive areas to reduce friction). I had good results on the nipple front with it.


  2. I've heard that stuff is amazing. I better get me some! Did it only work on the nipple front though? What about the sides and bottom? :)

  3. Works wherever you dare place it Bro......

  4. And a hot shower and the chaffed nipples are a painful combination!
