Monday, December 14, 2009

Important Measurements

When you are trying to get fit, it's important to know where you're at to start with.

Now, most people focus on only one number: The readout on the scale.

But, that number can be REALLY misleading. Sometimes people will look at BMI charts that use height and weight to come up with a number for your Body Mass Index.

Don't use that number either!! It's practically worthless for too many people. Just like the heart rate charts on the wall of the gym, it will only give you a ballpark figure. It should not be trusted.

So... What do we use instead? I'm glad you asked.

The answer is body fat %. "Oh sure Fatty! That's a really easy number to calculate!" Actually, it can be. "HOW?" I'm glad you asked.

The super-accurate method is to get dunked in a big tank of water while some dude in a lab coat jots notes on a clipboard.

There are two other ways that work okay too. You can have a trained person do a skin fold test with some calipers. Or, you can do bioelectrical impedance using little devices that shoot electricity through your fat to see how much there is. Some fancy scales have these built in. You can buy a separate one online for like $40-$50.

OR... You can use an easier/cheaper method. A measuring tape! Do you have one of those 60-inch measuring tapes lying around? If you don't, you can buy them for $2-$3 at the grocery store.


The above link goes to an online preview of the book The Ultimate Fit or Fat by Covert Bailey. Look at chapter 5 (pp 27-32) to get directions. It's pretty easy, but there are some tips and some math involved. I suggest you read the whole chapter (it's short) before measuring. Actually, I highly recommend the whole book. It's excellent, and it's a fun/easy read.

Now, I calculated this for myself this morning before breakfast. I got 30.71%. That's called obese folks.

Here's a short article with a chart

BUT, if I look at BMI, the picture is much worse. I get a BMI of like 41+... That puts me in the obese class III (worst). Why? Because I weigh a lot man. But, I have roughly 196 pounds of LEAN body mass. According to BMI charts, I'd be highly overweight and almost obese (BMI 29) if I had ZERO fat on my body. I'd also be dead since you have to have about 3% body fat to survive.. But whatev.

Principle: Don't trust BMI charts. Calculate your own body fat %.

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